Prayer requests

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done."

Prayer Requests 

 APRIL 2024

  • Edwin Wallace:  Pray for my eye surgery Tuesday  May 7th.
  • Melissa Cassie:  Pray for my cousin's daughter Nizhoni HeavyRunner, 1yo, she has been having issues recovering from several procedures and surgeries she's had within a 2mo period, she needs healing, she's been having pain as well. Strength for her mother Amanda also
  • Phil Chavez: Please pray for my Mom Lorraine  for salvation, healing to her body and finances.  Pray for Uncle Steve and aunt Jackie for salvation , Joe for healing  and for my finances and a life partner. 
  • Venishaah Lee: Please pray for my uncle Steven Charley he's In a coma fighting pneumonia and kidney failure really need God to touch him and pray for his family for strength during this time.
  • Sandra Domingo: Please pray for my dad Edwin Wallace. He is in Hospitalize since Friday evening. His both eye got blind and can not see very well And he is very sick and both kidney failure, Heart failure and other health issues.
  • Daisy Peregrina : Please pray that Ava Huppenthal gets home safely. She ran away from home recently.
  • Jocelyn Rosales : I have been struggling with my walk with God, I don't know what to do with the situation I've been in. I just want to be close to God like how i was before.
  • Bailey :  Asking for prayers for a family member her name is Bailey , she went in for routine blood work and found her kidney numbers are low, praying for a health miracle  so she doesn’t have to  start dialysis , she is a wife and mother to 3 children. .
  • Yolee Mejia : Prayers  for healing for my daughter Antonia and myself.  We just had surgery (me-my arm cyst removal on bone/carpral tunnel ,  Antonia her foot from a fracture) Asking for healing and restoration and need prayers for finances also.
  • Shawn Coleman : Prayers for Shawn and family for a job and for peace. Prayers to find a lawyer to help with the estate.
  • Prayers for Isaac for normal test results.

MARCH 2024
  • Mari : In need of prayers lifting her up and believing God to help her through her immigration court process she’s going through , she’s trying to get her papers to be able to stay in the U.S with her husband and her kids.
  • Shannon Lee : My brother in law left his wife, kids and grandkids. He is using drugs and drinks excessively. Please pray God will get a hold of his life before its too late.

Prayer Testimonials

We would love to share the power of prayer. Please send testimonials of what prayers were answered & what miracles were done. 

Prayer Request Form

We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know. Our team prays for all the prayer requests we receive on a regular basis.

Prayer Requests